Please be sure to check your downloads folder after you click on the link in the email which will be sent to you after you fill out this form.

PLEASE NOTE: This eBook will not load directly to your eReader. 

I hope you enjoy your story.

Kindest regards, 

Lizzi Tremayne

If you have any difficulties, please contact me via the website here.

I’m in New Zealand, so please remember the time differences! 

I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

ATTN: Those who have been having difficulties downloading books:

I’ve been looking into why some of you haven’t been able to confirm and get your free book, BIGGEST APOLOGIES!

Seems my email subscription (book delivery!) blocked the downloads due to my ‘lifetime’ volume, which seems to include the 76 pages of spam (Unconfirmed) subscribers… Unhappy? Yes. But they’ve turned it back on, so you should be able to get through now.

Here is their reply:


Sorry for the wait on that. Our engineering team got those incentive emails that didn’t go out during the block to send off to those subscribers so that they can confirm their subscription. Any that received the confirmation email previously should be able to confirm their subscriptions. Sorry for any inconvenience there.

If you have any other questions on this, please let me know.

Steven Steven from ConvertKit

SO, they should go through now. 

So sorry for any inconvenience.

Kindest regards,
