Hi all! Climbing out from under my writing rock to let you know it’s Read an Ebook Week from March 2nd-8th! They’re even for kids, see?Kobo Buy One Get One Free What better way to celebrate Read and Ebook Week than with Kobo’s March Buy 1 Get 1 Free special on Romantic Suspense Ebooks? You’ll find …
Category: Book Promotion A Sea of Green Unfolding

An Historically Pleasant Surprise!
When you write historical fiction and are invited by a group of historians (both Pākeha and Māori) who research and live (and whose ancestors lived…) in the exact area you’ve written about in one of your historical novels… well, you might forgive me for being a bit nervous. Perhaps even historically terrified! It was well …
#SixSentenceSunday: Sea of Green Unfolding Ch 5
A Sea of Green Unfolding, Book Three in The Long Trails series of unpretentious, eminently readable Historical Fiction by horse vet-author Lizzi Tremayne is my #SixSentenceSunday for the week. Here’s the first bit of Chapter Five from 1862 Rancho de las Pulgas, near San Francisco, California… Aleksandra didn’t cry, but she retreated into her own …

South Island, Here We Come!
We had a wonderful time this month in the South Island of New Zealand to start the year off right! I hope you all had a wonderful end-of-year! We sure have! Following a week of research in an SCA medieval reenactment camp near Christchurch, South Island, New Zealand, my (also-author) partner and I hired a …

#SixSentenceSunday: Sea of Green Unfolding Ch 4
A Sea of Green Unfolding, Book Three in The Long Trails series of Historical Fiction by equine vet turned author Lizzi Tremayne is my #SixSentenceSunday for the week. “Up until Melissandra got sick, you’ve seemed generally happier than I’ve seen you before, Aleks,” Xavier said, as they rode along together, checking the furthest fence lines …
Lords and Ton of New Zealand… and the Scumbags… or are they?
“Mama, why must we,” Emma twitched at her crinoline with a scowl in an attempt to keep it clear of the mud and manure in the middle of the main thoroughfare of Auckland, New Zealand, “wear the height of London fashion in this God-forsak—” “Emma!” Mrs.Wyndham-Smyth hissed. “Ladies do not use that sort of language.” …

#SixSentenceSunday: Sea of Green Unfolding Ch 3
A Sea of Green Unfolding, Book Three in The Long Trails series of Historical Fiction by equine vet turned author Lizzi Tremayne is my #SixSentenceSunday for the week. The biggest difference between their two weddings was that in this second one, Aleksandra was led up the aisle by an aging relative of Xavier’s. Otherwise, this …

Interview by Sarah Williams!
Hello all! Sara Williams of Write with Love gave me an interview me last month and it’s finally up on YouTube! Come on by and have a look! xx Lizzi Sarah posts weekly podcasts on her Writing with Love website! You’ll find my books here! See you soon! xx Lizzi

#SixSentenceSunday: Sea of Green Unfolding Ch 2
A Sea of Green Unfolding, Book Three in The Long Trails series of Historical Fiction by equine vet turned author Lizzi Tremayne is my #SixSentenceSunday for the week. “It just won’t work,” Aleksandra said to Molly, her voice filled with frustration. Xavier could only shake his head and cover his mouth so she didn’t hear …

#SixSentenceSunday: Sea of Green Unfolding Ch 1
A Sea of Green Unfolding, Book Three in The Long Trails series of Historical Fiction by equine vet turned author Lizzi Tremayne is my #SixSentenceSunday for the week. March 1863 Rancho de las Pulgas, San Mateo County, California Aleksandra Argüello’s brother-in-law peeked out through the slits between his lashes and his bloodshot eyes widened at …

#SixSentenceSunday: Sea of Green Unfolding
A Sea of Green Unfolding, Book Three in The Long Trails series of Historical Fiction by equine vet turned author Lizzi Tremayne is my #SixSentenceSunday for the week. “I appreciate the Pākehā working so hard to help us.” Tangawai watched the uniformed men in the distance to the southwest of his outpost, high atop the …

#SixSentenceSunday: Sea of Green
A Sea of Green Unfolding, Book Three in The Long Trails series of Historical Fiction by equine vet turned author Lizzi Tremayne is my #SixSentenceSunday for the week. Before her on the trail was a pair of bare feet. Big ones. Slowly, blood pounding in her head, she lifted her eyes to meet those of …

History Surprises you Sometimes!
History surprises me, anyway. As many of you know, I now live in New Zealand, in a place which once saw copper mining, just up the little one-lane road from me. This road’s very straight and level, compared to most of the ground around here! But why so? When my partner and I were out …
CyCon 2018: Come on By and See What it’s About!
Thanks, J.j. Devine, for the warm welcome! Welcome! Thanks for coming along to my website! This weekend is the big CyCon event… To find more about Brain to Books, its authors, genres, and the blog tours for this upcoming wonderful weekend at our Cyber Convention and Book Expo, visit the links below! Make sure you …

Book Candy!
Hello again! My books are highlighted on Book Candy Studios today! it’s here! Have a great weekend, all! xx Lizzi PS, it’s at https://www.bookcandystudios.com/openbookfriday/books/she-didn-t-expect-to-become-a-target-but-she-is-one-now