Hi all! Climbing out from under my writing rock to let you know it’s Read an Ebook Week from March 2nd-8th! They’re even for kids, see?Kobo Buy One Get One Free What better way to celebrate Read and Ebook Week than with Kobo’s March Buy 1 Get 1 Free special on Romantic Suspense Ebooks? You’ll find …
Category: Book Promotion The Hills of Gold Unchanging

#SixSentenceSunday: The Hills of Gold Unchanging Ch 6
The Hills of Gold Unchanging. Book Two in The Long Trails series of unpretentious, eminently readable Historical Fiction by horse vet-author Lizzi Tremayne is my #SixSentenceSunday for the week. Want to read an excerpt? Here’s the first bit of Chapter Six from 1860 Utah: “Oh, no.” Aleksandra froze, and Rogan danced sideways beneath her, ears …

#SixSentenceSunday: The Hills of Gold Unchanging Ch 5
The Hills of Gold Unchanging. Book Two in The Long Trails series of unpretentious, eminently readable Historical Fiction by horse vet-author Lizzi Tremayne is my #SixSentenceSunday for the week. Want to read an excerpt? Here’s the first bit of Chapter Five from 1860 Utah: The horses trotted through the rolling hills west of Great Salt …

South Island, Here We Come!
We had a wonderful time this month in the South Island of New Zealand to start the year off right! I hope you all had a wonderful end-of-year! We sure have! Following a week of research in an SCA medieval reenactment camp near Christchurch, South Island, New Zealand, my (also-author) partner and I hired a …

#SixSentenceSunday: The Hills of Gold Unchanging Ch 4
Book Two in The Long Trails series of Historical Fiction by Lizzi Tremayne, equine vet turned author is her #SixSentenceSunday: The Hills of Gold Unchanging. Aleksandra gave Rogan his head and they bolted down the hill. She buried her fists in his thick mane and let the colt find the fastest way down. Four of the …

Historical Day!
I wanted to wish you a Happy New Year and let you know I’ll be posting more about the historical background of my novels this year. I discover SO MUCH MORE than I can put into my stories–they’re not meant to be history books, but the enlivening of my interpretation of the historical record! This …

#SixSentenceSunday: The Hills of Gold Unchanging Ch 3
Book Two in The Long Trails series of Historical Fiction by Lizzi Tremayne, equine vet turned author is her #SixSentenceSunday: The Hills of Gold Unchanging. Aleksandra went to meet Xavier, riding on his gray stallion. She gave Charro a pat, then reached up for the packages Xavier held before him, her eyes on his stony visage. …

Interview by Sarah Williams!
Hello all! Sara Williams of Write with Love gave me an interview me last month and it’s finally up on YouTube! Come on by and have a look! xx Lizzi Sarah posts weekly podcasts on her Writing with Love website! You’ll find my books here! See you soon! xx Lizzi

#SixSentenceSunday: The Hills of Gold Unchanging Ch 2
Book Two in The Long Trails series of Historical Fiction by Lizzi Tremayne, equine vet turned author is her #SixSentenceSunday: The Hills of Gold Unchanging. From Chapter Two. The Indian’s Mustang returned Rogan’s call. “Dancing Wolf!” Aleksandra said, and bolted back to return the rifle to its rack and shot out the door with a laugh. She …

#SixSentenceSunday: The Hills of Gold Unchanging Ch 1
Book Two in The Long Trails series of Historical Fiction by Lizzi Tremayne, equine vet turned author is her #SixSentenceSunday: The Hills of Gold Unchanging. June 1860, Echo Canyon, Wasatch Mountains, Utah Territory His blade glinted in the sunlight as he lunged toward her, but she ducked and spun, her own sword flashing in figure eights …

Book Two of The Long Trails Series for #SixSentenceSunday
Book Two in The Long Trails series of Historical Fiction by Lizzi Tremayne, equine vet turned author is her #SixSentenceSunday: The Hills of Gold Unchanging. “Your delaine will stand you in good stead,” Tatiana said, smoothing a hand over the blue woolen muslin. “It’s just the color of your eyes.” She moved it aside to lift …

#SixSentenceSunday: Hills of Gold
#SixSentenceSunday again, and this time they are from The Hills of Gold Unchanging, Book Two in The Long Trails series of Historical Fiction by Lizzi Tremayne, equine vet turned author. Blue eyes glittered below brows narrowed with concentration, before her sword returned to action with a vengeance. They circled, dodging and striking in turn. Though …

History Surprises you Sometimes!
History surprises me, anyway. As many of you know, I now live in New Zealand, in a place which once saw copper mining, just up the little one-lane road from me. This road’s very straight and level, compared to most of the ground around here! But why so? When my partner and I were out …

A Peek Back in Time: The Great Flood of Sacramento
The Great Flood: a peek back in time to Sacramento, California from the end of 1861 through the beginning of 1862 heralded some big changes for the state. The biggest flood in recorded history of California, Oregon, and Nevada started in December 1861 and ran through January 1862. In November 1961, the big rains started-nonstop-with …
Authors in Bloom Blog Hop!
Hello all, and welcome to Lizzi Tremayne’s portion of the Authors in Bloom Blog Hop. I write historical romantic fiction and veterinary school contemporary stories, all with a horsey flair. I’m so glad you could join us today! Be sure to read through to the end to find out how to enter my contest …