Hi all! Climbing out from under my writing rock to let you know it’s Read an Ebook Week from March 2nd-8th! They’re even for kids, see?Kobo Buy One Get One Free What better way to celebrate Read and Ebook Week than with Kobo’s March Buy 1 Get 1 Free special on Romantic Suspense Ebooks? You’ll find …
Tag: #alongtrailrolling

True West 2016 Best Western Romance!
True West Magazine True West Senior Editor Stuart Rosebrook PhD reviewed A Long Trail Rolling a few years ago and I was searching for it to go into an application for the NZ Book Council. Couldn’t find it, though, could I? But boy, was I excited to find this! Must be a bit slow–it was from 2016! Even …
BookBub: Have You Seen it Yet?
BookBub: It’s something I’d never heard of, but it’s great for letting you know about deals on books in categories YOU choose. It’s also a great place for authors to get their books out to people all over the world who are interested in the sort of books they write. This post is to let …

#SixSentenceSunday: A Long Trail Rolling Ch 6
A Long Trail Rolling is Book One of The Long Trails series of unpretentious, eminently readable Historical Fiction by horse vet-author Lizzi Tremayne. The beginning of Chapter 6 is my #SixSentenceSunday offering for today! Would you like an excerpt? Here you go: From 1860 Utah… The body held her fast, whispering roughly for her to …
#SixSentenceSunday: A Long Trail Rolling Ch 5
A Long Trail Rolling is Book One of The Long Trails series of unpretentious, eminently readable Historical Fiction by horse vet-author Lizzi Tremayne. The beginning of Chapter 5 is my #SixSentenceSunday offering for today! Would you like an excerpt? Here you go: From 1860 Utah… Knuckles white on their rifles, the silent soldiers of Camp …

Author Life: In Case You Wondered…
Author life… well hmmm… Just so you know, writers don’t always laze around all day, curled up with their keyboard in a pristine, cozy house… I think for most of us it’s a juggle between our “other lives” and stolen time to write. Some of us live on farms and work as well, and have …

Sourdough. What Could be Nicer?
Sourdough is in my heart. So is yogurt. My mum got me started, so we can all blame her. We all love historicals, right? I guess so, or you probably wouldn’t be here on this page. Sourdough and Fermentation For many hundreds (thousands) of years, people have been using fermentation of various sorts to improve …

#SixSentenceSunday: A Long Trail Rolling Ch 4
Book One of The Long Trails series is horsey historical fiction by an equine vet-author Lizzi Tremayne is my #SixSentenceSunday offering, A Long Trail Rolling. ALEKSANDRA SCOWLED, but gave it up with a little grin. ‘Guess I didn’t think. Papa always said I didn’t think.’ Eyes filling, she glanced up at Xavier, then a tear ran down …

#SixSentenceSunday: A Long Trail Rolling Ch 3
Book One of The Long Trails series is horsey historical fiction by an equine vet-author Lizzi Tremayne is my #SixSentenceSunday offering, A Long Trail Rolling. ‘WHAT DO YOU MEAN, he’s gone? Gone where?’ Aleksandra glanced around the trading post, then stared blankly at Scotty. ‘Wouldn’t ya just know it,’ Scotty shook his head, his brow furrowed …

#SixSentenceSunday: A Long Trail Rolling Ch 2
Book One of The Long Trails series is horsey historical fiction by an equine vet-author Lizzi Tremayne is my #SixSentenceSunday offering, A Long Trail Rolling. ‘SGUIR! Aleksandra, stop!’ Aleksandra heard Scotty bark, and then continue in a low, steady voice. ‘Wouldn’t move, ‘f I was you, Xavier. Her da’s Cossack-trained and it ‘pears she is too.’ …

#SixSentenceSunday: A Long Trail Rolling Ch 1
Book One of The Long Trails series is horsey historical fiction by an equine vet-author Lizzi Tremayne is my #SixSentenceSunday offering, A Long Trail Rolling. From Chapter 1. APRIL 1860, ECHO CANYON, Utah Territory, U.S.A. She smelled blood. Its metallic tang assailed her senses, before it was overshadowed by the stench of death. Stepping back to scan …

Book One of The Long Trails Series for #SixSentenceSunday
Book One of The Long Trails series is horsey historical fiction by an equine vet-author Lizzi Tremayne is my #SixSentenceSunday offering, A Long Trail Rolling. The dropped brows, tight lips and menacing alertness of Ephraim Hanks standing before the station’s log cabin made Aleksandra’s mouth go dry. His index finger, longingly stroking his rifle’s trigger was …

#SixSentenceSunday: A Long Trail Rolling
Today’s #SixSentenceSunday offering is from A Long Trail Rolling, the first in The Long Trails series of horsey historical fiction by an equine vet turned writer. Smart. Her lips curved in the hint of a wry grin. The Indians had placed themselves between the trail and the setting sun. Aleksandra couldn’t see her attackers …

Regan Walker, Historical Romance Reviewer, on A Long Trail Rolling
A Long Trail Rolling is the featured review today by Regan Walker on her website today! Regan shares her 4 and 5-star reviews on her HISTORICAL ROMANCE REVIEW with Regan Walker page! Come on by and take a look! A Long Trail Rolling A Long Trail Rolling is the first book in The Long Trail …

First Kiss Friday with Historical Author Sherry Ewing!
Hi all, I’m sharing Aleksandra’s first kiss on Sherry Ewing’s blog today… and I’ll let you in on a little secret… It’s not with Xavier! But it IS her first kiss. So read about it on Sherry’s Historical blog! Head on over here to see it. Thanks for coming by! xx Lizzi