June 20, 3:54pm PDT (today in the States, for those of you in NZ!) “The mail just left Lingle,WY at 4:45 pm, mountain time, headed towards Ft Laramie.” Patrick Hearty & Joseph Hatch The Pony Express Stations in Utah Well done to all of you out there riding! You might get a bit tired, but …
Tag: horses
The Pony Express Re-Ride Continues!
Yesterday’s post detailed the Pony Express 20th Anniversary Re-Ride. I have posted some handy links for you to follow the ride’s progress! Thanks to Pony Express History –18253400.nhd.weebly.com The Re-Ride continues! The “mochila,” (the leather pad with the mail pockets, below), which is transferred between riders on the Pony Express) has made it from Elwood, …
20th Anniversary of the Pony Express Re-Ride is ON!
Who’s excited! I wish I could be in the States right now! The Pony Express Re-Ride began today, from St. Joseph to Old Sacramento! Patrick Hearty is my Utah contact for my NEARLY- completed novel Express Desire. Photo above: Patrick and Joseph’s book. Photo to right: Joseph L. Hatch, left, and Patrick Hearty talk …
Por qué Xavier tenía que ser español, or Why Xavier had to be Spanish….
Español…. … ranks behind only China in total number of language speakers, and far ahead of English speakers.. One good reason to include it in my nearly-completed novel… Another one… it is the language of love… Xavier, born of his Spanish Californio family is, despite his challenges, able to speak this language of love… In …
Utah and California, Here We Come!
Looking forward to our trip to the States in July! We will be visiting many sites from the novel Express Desire, soon to be completed! First, the Rancho de las Pulgas, which was the old 1795 Spanish land grant which belonged to the family of my novel hero Xavier Arguello, which today comprises most of …
My Historical History, or WHY I think I have to write this novel!
Several of you have asked me why I am writing a novel… Well, for those of you who don’t know me very well, let me introduce some of my history about history……….. I love the Old West. Bit of a long history, suffice it to say I grew up on Highway 84 in La Honda, …
Writing On-Track!
Hello All, thanks for your patience! Having recovered from final assignments (Aced all of my courses, the old girl can still study!), I have reviewed all research from last year and am making progress on Express Desire… Have written 3000 words in last 3 writing days. The week before that did some editing of …