Hi all! Climbing out from under my writing rock to let you know it’s Read an Ebook Week from March 2nd-8th! They’re even for kids, see?Kobo Buy One Get One Free What better way to celebrate Read and Ebook Week than with Kobo’s March Buy 1 Get 1 Free special on Romantic Suspense Ebooks? You’ll find …
Tag: suspense

New Release! Once Upon a Vet School #7: Lena Takes a Foal!
Happy Holidays from my family to yours, and a new release too! I hope you’re enjoying good health, good friends, and your favourite foods… and some new release books! We’ve just had a lovely and sunny Christmas down under in our little green spot of New Zealand. Plenty to do, with the farm, writing and …
Ever Thought of Riding the Pony Express?
I sure did…probably obsessed on riding the Pony Express, too, when I was a little girl riding out in the hills around La Honda, California. Maybe that’s why my first novel, A Long Trail Rolling, ended up being about the Pony Express…and a girl rider. Many have asked why I wrote about this for my first …
Blogging Over at Wild Women Authors!
Hello! Today I’m blogging about Aleksandra, from A Long Trail Rolling, over at Wild Women Authors! Come on by!!! That’s Fri 13th in the USA and Saturday 14th in New Zealand! I’m also talking about my next two books!~ It’s all here! http://www.wildwomenauthorsx2.blogspot.com./ Enjoy! xx Lizzi
The Third Edition of A Long Trail Rolling is released and uploaded to most websites. New cover, revised interior! Take a look! And the paperback cover…with reviews by Deborah Challinor, Leeanna Morgan and Booksellers NZ And a treat inside the covers… (Thanks Chris, at Bookprinting.co.nz !) If you love sagas with gutsy, horsey heroines …
Blogging at Bluestocking Belles!
Hello all, I’m blogging today over at Bluestocking Belles page in their gossipy Teatime Tattler! Hope you can make it for tea! Come on by! just click on the link above! This is an original bit of story. The scene’s written, but this wasn’t included. It might be now! It’s from one of …
The Pony Express Rides Again!
Hi All! It was Great!!!! Grit in your teeth, hot, sweaty horses and people… and the mochila, being handed from horse to horse every two miles, for 2000 miles… What else could it be but fantastic? Here’s where our group started, at Simpson’s! It was a three-generation-Hearty Family affair, from Izzy, below shown with dad …
Talks Scheduled for Utah, Eureka, Fortuna and Bayside
Hi All! Here is the more complete list of talks! They will be Meet the Author sessions, and I’ll be talking about History, Writing History, A Long Trail Rolling, and doing some readings from some of the books! If all goes well tomorrow, there will be some footage shot during my ride in the Pony …
Come Along to a Talk Soon!! Salt Lake, Sacramento, Arcata!
Hi All! You’re all invited to some talks, coming soon! What we’ll talk about…. A Long Trail Rolling is an Historical Romantic Suspense novel, and the first in The Long Trail Quadrilogy. The book is a crossover between YA and Adult. I am an awarded, self-published author, equine veterinarian with an equine dental practice(UCD grad) and high …
Talks around the world, anyone?
Hello Everyone! I’ll be on the road in June and July and wonder if any of you could please give me any leads you might have on bookstores, libraries or the like which might be interested in hosting Lizzi Tremayne for a book talk and signing? I’ll be in Salt Lake City, Utah (To ride …
The Pony Express Rides Again!
It was fantastic, the Pony Express, wasn’t it? 400 horses, 120 riders, nearly two hundred stations and several hundred station keepers, water /feed carters and the like, through hostile territory, alkali deserts, and high mountains, to get mail across the continental USA in TEN DAYS! Unheard of! The mochila, that piece of leather with the …
How very exciting! Opened email today to find this! and the lovely note attached: Dear Lizzi Tremayne It‘s my pleasure to let you know that your novel, A Long Trail Rolling, has been selected by our reader judges as a finalist in the HOLT Medallion contest in the Romantic Suspense AND Best First Book categories. Congratulations! …
Hamilton Zinefest this Saturday!
Come on by the Hamilton Zinefest this Saturday! Lizzi Tremayne and Blue Mist Publishing will have a presence there, not sure if we’ll have the big red and blue gazebo or not, but we’ll be there with bells on! It’s at Creative Waikato, Alexandra Street (next door to Mr Milton’s Canteen) Click here …
Sneak Preview! A blog post for the 21 August on The Romance Studio's End of Summer Bash…
Just for a bit of fun, here’s one of the blog posts I’m posting on the 21st of this month on The Romance Studio’s End of Summer Bash… Hello All! Welcome back! Here’s another excerpt… with Scotty, horses and sparks flying between Aleksandra and Xavier… ~ ~ ~ ‘Oh no, the Furs! And …
Hi All! Come on over to Cynthia Woolfe's Blog, we're over there today!
Hi everyone! I was invited to an interview with Cynthia Wolf, Historical Romance author extraordinaire! Click Here! Here’s the header on her lovely page! Come on by and learn a little about where I got interested in writing, how the series began, and some things about me you might not have known! Leave a comment …