The Mochila is Coming Closer

Here at the Pat and Linda Hearty residence,  we’re preparing and waiting with expectancy for Group 1 of the Utah Pony Express Association to hand over the mochila to us at Simpson Springs tomorrow morning!

Our team, Team 3, led by the Heartys, will have 42 rides of two miles each, which will be split up between the twenty horses and sixteen riders tomorrow, to complete our  85 mile portion of the over-2000 mile re-ride.


2016-reride (1)

We spent the day doing final shoeings with rubber shoes  or borium points for those horses who will complete our stretch into the streets of Salt Lake City.  I’m lucky enough to not be one of those riding through town, but who knows, by the end of the day!  While they guys finished shoeing, I set to work on six horses, being honourary groom… Manes and tails on these cool Quarter Horse brumbies… hadn’t seen a comb for awhile, so armed with a great brush and a bottle of Show Sheen, they’re NEARLY done!

Last prep for myself tonight, I’m learning how to use the Go-Pro, and will be riding with it on my hat!  Hope to have good footage tomorrow for you all!  Not  a western hat, but it will at least keep me from scrambling my brains in the unlikely event of a mishap! And it’ll hold the Go-Pro!  Here’s my practice run….


Hope to see some of you out on the trail, or at the talk at Joe and Annette Hatch’s place on Monday between 3 and 7 pm (see previous blog posts for details)!  Talk, readings, book signing, and of course, books for sale, by yours truly or two great Pony Express books by Patrick Hearty and Joe Hatch!

long trail

Bye till after the ride!!

